My friend John Nderitu a classmate, a brother and my final roommate at Nova Pioneer took a moment to share with me all the memories he had at the Yale Young Global Scholars, YYGS program that he was fortunate enough to attend in June-July of 2019 and I couldn’t help but put myself in his shoes and feel what he felt and see the things he saw. I wanted to go beyond imagining it to actually experiencing it in person and so I did.
Landing on YYGS
I vividly remember sitting with him in the student lounge and planning my summer plans as I looked towards challenging myself academically and treating myself to an amazing experience in the summer of my junior year at Hillcrest. We explored several summer programs from prestigious universities all over the world. The caliber of the Harvards and Oxfords of the world. It was a thrill. I even remember emailing them personally to ask specific questions about the program.
For me, the single most important factor was financial aid. The programs we encountered were amazing but very expensive and so we settled on YYGS. They are a world re-known program with tailored experiences for every student depending on their interests and most importantly they offer need-based financial aid.
There were two options when applying for the program: Early Action and Regular Decision. I definitely went for the early action choice in which you apply as soon as the portal opens and submit your application earlier (by November 12th) and are notified by December 22nd of your application status. I applied through October, balancing my KCSE preparation with my new found love- the YYGS program. I submitted my application and was notified by December that I was accepted to the program with a very sweet financial package.
Adapting to Change
Ideally, the program would take place at the Yale University for two weeks and that is what we all expected to happen but as we got closer and closer to the start of the program in June, we all prayed that the program would not get cancelled. By we I speak for myself and all the amazing friends all over the world that I made through our WhatsApp groups and other social media platforms. Fortunately, they managed to keep the program afloat and unveiled the first ever YYGS Connect program– shifting the entire on campus experience online.
The program was split into two sessions AM and PM according to your time zone. I was in the AM session and the program would start from 2pm to 7:30pm every day. The YYGS experience consisted of five key components every day: Family Time – where you get to spend time in smaller groups with your new friends, Seminars – where we experienced short lectures in our different tracks according to our different interests, Simulation – where we actively applied all we were learning in the program to solve an active problem in our different societies, Lectures – where we had professors and other highly qualified staff address certain topics from climate change to economics and energy sustainability and the Impact Panels and OAYs (Opportunities Across Yale) – where they brought together YYGS alum, Yale University Staff and other young entrepreneurs to help us think through making an impact in our different societies and guiding us on how to navigate those spaces and taking us through different Opportunities Across Yale.

Key Takeaways
Throughout the two-week program my insatiable curiosity was put to the test but most importantly, I look back and appreciate all the amazing connections made and the people I met. People who challenged me and my thinking, future entrepreneurs, doctors, policy makers, scientists, artists and generally people who are passionate about whatever it is they have put their mind to and people who want to influence their communities and change the world and I am proud to be part of this team and to have had this experience with them.