It was a flamboyant collage of color as our Nova Pioneer Primary school campuses celebrated the annual Literary Character Baraza.
The Literary Character Baraza was a fun opportunity for our students to dress up like their favourite book character and bring their book with them to school to share.
Our young Novaneers truly brought their favourite book characters to life, by dressing up in various storybook costumes and created incredible memories that will live with them for a long time to come. Some of the book characters represented were Red Riding Hood, Peter Pan, Lion King, Tinkerbell, Superwoman, Batman, Michelle Obama among others.

Featuring a headline act from “Sharkie”, our very own mascot, the baraza included the launch of an essay writing contest, celebration of exemplar student pieces from Bookworm Month, music festival item performances, a comical skit about empathy and, of course, the finale, a rendition of our Bookworm Month’s theme song, “Reading Song”, about the value of reading.
Thereafter, students held truly magnificent processions back to class joyfully waving their favorite book character placards! Little wonder none of them wanted the baraza to end!