Teachers play a very significant role in our lives. This realization hits so close to home when we acknowledge the belief and the forthright commitment some of our teachers have had in identifying and following through with the growth and development of our talents. There’s a much more profound appreciation for the teachers who were able to see in us what we might not have seen in ourselves.
Above: Left- Eliud Kipchoge, center, PS Education -Belio Kipsang, right, Director & Co-founder of Nova Pioneer, Mr. Christopher Khaemba during the opening of the Nova Pioneer, Eldoret campus.
The ability to recognize potential and go further to nurture and develop is something our Co-founder and director, Mr. Christopher Khaemba is widely known for. There isn’t a shortage of his former students spread across the world who laud him for his steadfastness in having an eye for excellence both inside and outside the classroom. For the 36 years, Mr. Khaemba has been in the Education space, he has built a legacy of excellence that still lives on in him and the thousands of students and teachers he has impacted.
You can read more about Mr. Khaemba’s journey on this article by the Daily Nation https://www.nation.co.ke/sports/othersports/Alliance-principal-Chris-Khaemba-score-A-in-sports-academics/1951306-5534712-npn4ocz/index.html