Fatherhood Reflections On Father’s Day
Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of the month of June to recognize the impact of all fathers and father figures in their children’s lives. This Father’s day we sat down with a fellow Novaneer, Pascal Ombango and asked him about his experience as a father, the fears

Supporting Your Teen’s Mental Health During The Lockdown
It’s becoming increasingly important to talk about mental health challenges especially now that everyone, no matter what their situation, is struggling during this Covid-19 outbreak. It is an exceptionally hard time for us all. There are particular issues that young people are facing. There is a huge amount of loss

The Quality Education Divide in the Covid Digital Age
Social Distance. Quarantine. Virtual Classroom. Fever Gun. Lockdown. Face Mask. Curfew. Zoom Meetings. These are all words that in the last month most educators have shifted from rarely using to being part of their daily vocabulary. A French novelist Andre Gige once said, “Man cannot discover new oceans unless he

Roles of Parents in their Child’s Education During COVID-19 and Thereafter
Parents play a pivotal role in shaping the character of children as they grow towards adulthood. As a parent and teacher, I am convinced that the COVID-19 period presents the opportunity for parents to be engaged in the lives of their children like never before. With schools closed, parents have

The New Recruit
I had a new recruit join the team this week. Even though she has a short CV with limited work experience, it appears she is here to stay. She started work on Thursday and we have been trying to settle into a routine since then. She is very excited to

We are Called to Lead Even During Times of Uncertainty
‘Without courage, all other virtues lose their meaning’. -Winston Churchill Following the recent announcement by President Uhuru Kenyatta in response to COVID-19, all of our Nova Pioneer schools have been temporarily closed since Monday, 16 March. We acknowledge the additional pressure this school closure may have on many of our

Five Tips for Successful Virtual Meetings
We are all dealing with new ways of working these days and as we embark on engaging more frequently in the digital arena, virtual meetings have now become a norm — even for sectors and teams where that is not ordinarily the case. As such, we want to ensure that

Lessons on Social Distancing
I like to think of myself as a forward-thinking, modern Kenyan woman. When I first heard about the government’s directive to observe social distancing, I ensured that my DSTV, Netflix, Kenya Power electricity units were all stocked up. I even had a Covid-19 chat with my two daughters who are

Preparing Your Teenager For Boarding School
Working with young people has allowed me the space to observe teenagers as they try to find their own bearings with regards to identity, friendships and values. I recall when I was a teenager, the journey of discovering myself did not always align with the vision that my parents had

How morning routines can boost your Productivity.
Happy New Year! Hands up if you have already broken your new year’s resolution? I know I have because I did not make any at the end of last year. I chose to work on building a morning routine in 2020. Morning-routine stories are all the hype right now in