School Fee Structure

School Fee Structure

Nova Pioneer provides a world class learning experience and the best quality education for your child at an affordable price. Thank you for the prompt payment of fees. We’re always available if you have any questions or wish to discuss any aspect of the finances.

Download fees guide

Nova Pioneer Tatu City International


Nova Pioneer Athi International


Nova Pioneer Tatu City Primary


Nova Pioneer Athi River


Nova Pioneer Tatu City Boys


Nova Pioneer Tatu City Girls


Nova Pioneer Eldoret Boys


Nova Pioneer Eldoret Girls


How to make payment

Payment method Instructions Proof of payment
1 Bank deposit

Indicate the account number preceded by the code
indicated, on the deposit slip i.e. XXXXXX is the
account number.

Always indicate the account number as the first entry
on your transaction reference.

Bank account details:
Account name: Nova Pioneer Collections Account
Bank: Stanbic Bank
Branch: Chiromo
Account Number: 9903000XXXXXX

Bank account details: (I&M cheques Only)
Account name: Nova Pioneer Kenya Limited
Bank: I&M Bank
Branch: Sarit Center
Account Number: 5000000XXXXXX

Deposit slip

2 Bank transfer

Indicate the account number preceded by the code
indicated, on the deposit slip i.e. XXXXXX is the
account number.

Always indicate the account number as the first entry
on your transaction reference.

Transfer slip/transaction details printout

3 M-Pesa Transaction

Present the confirmation message on your phone, or email it to with the name of the student, form and student’s number.

Payment Steps:
a. M-pesa
b. Lipa na M-Pesa
c. Paybill
c. Business Number: 818319
d. Account Number: XXXXXX (6 digit Account No.)

Confirmation message

NOTE: Cash payments and cheques are not accepted. Please bank them and present the deposit slip as proof of payment.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What costs will prospective parents incur during the application process?

    1. Parents applying for students in Primary School will incur no admission cost.

    2. Parents applying for students at any of our Secondary Schools, there is an assessment fee of KES 1,500 to be paid once a student is scheduled for an assessment. This fee is non-refundable.

    3. Once an offer has been extended, for both Primary and Secondary, there is a notice deposit that must be paid 2 weeks from acceptance into the school.

    Secondary School: An KES 1,500 assessment fee is applicable once a student is scheduled for an assessment.

  • What payment options are available to parents?

    Parents can pay the assessment fee and deposit via bank deposit, a bank transfer or via M-Pesa. Please find bank account details above.

  • Is the Notice Deposit refundable?

    Please be advised that the notice deposit is non-refundable. Also, should you change their mind about enroling your child with Nova Pioneer before the school term begins, you will forfeit your deposit.

  • What costs are included in your child's annual fees?

    School fees are inclusive of the student’s laptop (which Nova Pioneer provides), all internet usage, all software required for class, and all electronics and robotics material required for the computer studies class. All textbooks will be covered within the school fees. Regular academic, sporting, and club trips within Nairobi are included in the tuition. Most trips will be planned and included in the shared calendar for the term.

  • What costs are NOT included in the fees?

    Each campus offers compulsory extra-curricular activities and some optional that are included in the school fees. These activities vary on every campus and usually take place during school hours. In addition, Nova Pioneer works closely with a number of external vendors who provide specialised activities or club activities which come at an extra cost and are not included in the fees. This will require families of those students wishing to participate to cover the extra costs. The specific additional extracurricular activities and corresponding costs are available on request.

    Furthermore, PTA annual fees and school trips are not included in the fees. Any costs above the fees will always be communicated in advance to parents.

  • What is included in the meal plan?

    Three full, healthy meals a day and two tea breaks will be provided by the school – and are included entirely in the price of the meals. Menu available upon request.

  • What costs will prospective parents incur during the enrolment process?

    Once a student has been accepted they will be expected to secure their spot by paying the following:

    1. Enrollment Fee (one time, non-refundable) : KES 4,000.
    2. Caution Fee (one time, refundable): KES 10,000 - to be returned upon graduation excluding any deductions made for damages caused during their Nova Pioneer tenure

  • What else do I need to know?

    Nova Pioneer may organize optional longer distance trips outside of Nairobi or the country. The cost of these optional trips will need to be covered by families. The details of the trip and cost will be communicated with families well in advance.
 Due to inflation, Tuition Boarding, and Meals fees may be increased at reasonable levels. Parents of Form 3 and Form 4 students can expect to see a modest increase in fees to cover special electives.

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Get in touch

Want to know more about our school, fees and extracurricular? Send us your contact details and someone from our brand and admissions office will get in touch.