Our Tatu City and Athi Primary schools recently hosted its Annual Parent Mixer. It always brings us great joy when we get the opportunity to come together and interact with our prospective families as a community.
Welcoming our new Novaneer parents
With every new year, we welcome new families to the Nova Pioneer community. The goal for us is to ensure that new families have the best experience even before they full enroll with us.

A real Nova Pioneer experience
This year we took parent engagement a notch higher by hosting our first ever Parent Mixer. The Parent Mixer is an annual event that provides an opportunity for prospective families to interact with our Learning Team, meet our teachers who will shape the experience of their young ones during their time at Nova Pioneer.

Fun and games
The first parent mixer took place at Tatu Primary with a great turn out from prospective families set to join us in 2020. Our prospective parents had a great time learning about what Nova Pioneer Primary – Tatu city is all about and what to expect when they join us. There was laughter, knowledge, puzzles, and gifts. The Nova Pioneer culture from our amazing teachers, the incredible principal was quite impressionable.

All those who were present left with their hearts full and from the feedback received on how beautifully the session was run, they cannot wait for the start of school next year!