How to refer a family to Nova Pioneer

Nova Pioneer parents share in our mission of building the next generation of innovators and leaders and thus, we look to them to help us find more families who share our vision and values. This is because we believe in building a community of like-minded people who want to come

Nova Pioneer parents share in our mission of building the next generation of innovators and leaders and thus, we look to them to help us find more families who share our vision and values. This is because we believe in building a community of like-minded people who want to come along for the journey, and share in our story, as we continue to expand our offering throughout South Africa.

Once your child is enrolled at Nova Pioneer, you become part of our supportive and passionate community – a group of parents from all walks of life – who all contribute to our school in various ways for the betterment of our students’ education. It is through this community that our school Culture Principles come alive, even at home. 


Benefits of growing our community

At Nova Pioneer, we know how important it is to build community. Who better to help us do this than our very own parents? As an existing Nova Pioneer parent, you could qualify for a referral discount (R3500 off your tuition for a period of one year) when you refer a parent and they successfully enrol their child at any of our Nova Pioneer campuses.


What does “Successful Enrolment” look like: 

Step 1: Current family/ parent talks to a friend and tells them about Nova Pioneer.

Step 2: The prospective parent completes an online application form and in the ‘how did you hear about us’ section, they select ‘referred by a current parent’ and write the full name of the parent and student who referred them. We can only identify the family that referred you if they give us your first and last name.

Step 3: The prospective parent attends a Nova Pioneer event and the learner completes, and passes, an assessment. 

Step 4: The prospective parent, who is very excited about Nova Pioneer, then completes all online forms and submits required documentation before our Finance Team completes the affordability check and gives go-ahead for enrolment fee payment.

Step 5: The prospective parent then pays the grade-relevant enrolment fee to secure their child’s spot. 

Step 6: The referral is then flagged to our Finance Team, who will pick up the name from the original application, and ensure your account reflects the referral discount once the student has started.


Which parents are eligible for the R3500 discount? 

  • When the parent applies to Nova Pioneer via our website, they must state that they were referred to by you (name and surname) when they complete the ‘how did you hear about us’ section.  
  • The referred parent needs to successfully enrol at Nova Pioneer by completing the full admissions process (detailed below).
  • Referred students cannot have a sibling currently or previously enrolled at Nova Pioneer. 
  • The referral discount is awarded to the youngest child – if you have only one child at Nova Pioneer, that child will receive the discount. 
  • You will be entitled to a R3500 discount per referral. 
  • If you are not yet an enrolled parent, you ONLY qualify for this discount once you have confirmation of enrolment.
  • The discount is non-transferable and cannot be substituted for cash or a refund.
  • The referral discount will not be applied should the student account be in arrears at the point in time that the discount is allocated.
  • This discount is awarded per enrolled student that is referred, up to five students (or a maximum tuition discount of R17500)
  • Nova Pioneer staff do not qualify.
  • Terms and conditions apply.


Love my Mother Tongue, Love Me

Simikazi Deyi expresses the importance of mother tongue languages in an article in 2018 that states, “Language is not just a series of words, but includes certain nuances that emerge in the form of idioms, metaphors and euphemisms, as well as praises. Language is therefore tied intrinsically to a sense

Simikazi Deyi expresses the importance of mother tongue languages in an article in 2018 that states, “Language is not just a series of words, but includes certain nuances that emerge in the form of idioms, metaphors and euphemisms, as well as praises. Language is therefore tied intrinsically to a sense of belonging, which is in turn linked to society and its values”. In a country where our differences have so often divided us, our school is always looking for tangible opportunities to acknowledge the spectrum of who we are. 


Language has historically been a divisive tool in education. Used to disempower, to segregate, and to alienate children from access to quality education. One simply needs to reflect on the 1976 Soweto Uprising to realise how powerful a tool language is in creating equitable access to education. In modern day South Africa, we still struggle with classism and bias based on people’s accents when they speak in English. As schools serving children on the African continent, it is our responsibility to work to create a cohesive society, and the acknowledgement of our language diversity is one of many ways we can make this possible for our learners. 


A starting point for us was to embrace the different languages spoken by our students. In social and break settings, we do not prohibit students from speaking in their mother tongue. Rather, we seek to empower our students to understand how to include their peers, and not allow children of differing languages to feel excluded from a social group. We also encourage our students to learn language through socialising with their peers, who may speak a different language. This is a more complicated approach than simply saying everyone must speak English, however, the long term impact on social cohesion is more meaningful. 


With all this in mind, our team launched our first Love Your Mother Tongue Week (LYMT Week) in 2019. LYMT Week is a week where parents can book a slot to come in to visit their child’s class during the Morning Meeting, which is the first half hour of the day. During this time parents are invited to read a story, teach the children a song, or recite a poem in their mother tongue. During COVID parents have been able to join via Zoom. Since starting LYMT Week, we have been treated to the most rewarding recognition of who we are as a nation. Our children have experienced parents celebrating the various indigenous South African languages, Asian languages, English, Afrikaans, languages from the Middle East, as well as languages from throughout Africa, by introducing them to the rich nuances of their languages, through music, poetry and storytelling. 


We host this each term in an effort to normalise the differences that make us who we are, and being mindful to not just doing this once a year on a national holiday. Operationally, this is a very simple event, which requires no changes to our timetable, and is facilitated with a simple booking form. While it is very little work to organise, the power and impact of it is huge. It is however, important that the true shift does not just come from a termly event, but rather from interrogating our policies about language, and language diversity, both formal and informal. We should continue to strive to create cohesion through our everyday actions and daily acknowledgement of our differences, or else events like this will remain hollow and will be unable to affect the change we need to see in our society.

Nova Pioneer Pre-Primary 2023: More Added-Value, More Affordable

At Nova Pioneer, we understand the significance and impact of high-quality pre-primary education. We are thrilled to share some exciting news regarding our Tots (2 turning 3) to Grade 1 offering at Nova Pioneer.  In response to the needs and expectations of Novaneers in our community –  namely, affordable and

At Nova Pioneer, we understand the significance and impact of high-quality pre-primary education. We are thrilled to share some exciting news regarding our Tots (2 turning 3) to Grade 1 offering at Nova Pioneer. 

In response to the needs and expectations of Novaneers in our community –  namely, affordable and quality pre-primary care and education, we have introduced some positive changes to our younger grades –  we have reviewed our pricing and offering and, from 2023, we will be bringing you the same quality Pre-Primary and Grade 1 education at more affordable and accessible prices.


What Changes? What is Added?


  1. A significant reduction in the tuition for Tots – Grade 1 (up to 20% tuition reduction in 2023*)
  2. More flexibility for families (especially those who work!): A ‘regular dismissal’ day or full day option for our Tots, Grade 000 and 00 students. (Regular dismissal times will vary slightly from school to school).
  3. For our Tots, Grade 000 and 00 families, a full day added-value option: Includes free aftercare at NovaCare, with a meal, snack and beverage provided.  


Excited? Share the love!


At Nova Pioneer, we know how important it is to build community. Who better to help us do this than our very own parents? As an existing Nova Pioneer parent, you could qualify for a referral discount (R3500 off your tuition for a period of one year) when you refer a parent and they successfully enrol their child at any of our Nova Pioneer campuses. 


Want to know more? 


We’d love to chat with you and share more about this exciting change to our offering. Reach out to for more information.

*Terms and conditions apply



Want to get R7000 off your tuition? This is how to do it … 

Nova Pioneer believes in building a compassionate, like-minded community   Once your child is enrolled at Nova Pioneer, you become part of our supportive and passionate community – a group of parents from all walks of life – who all contribute to our school in various ways for the betterment

Nova Pioneer believes in building a compassionate, like-minded community


Once your child is enrolled at Nova Pioneer, you become part of our supportive and passionate community – a group of parents from all walks of life – who all contribute to our school in various ways for the betterment of our students’ education. It is through this community that our school Culture Principles come alive, even at home. 

Nova Pioneer parents share in our mission of building the next generation of innovators and leaders and thus, we look to them to help us find more families who share our vision and values. This is because we believe in building a community of like-minded people who want to come along for the journey, and share in our story, as we continue to expand our offering throughout South Africa.


Benefits of growing our community


At Nova Pioneer, we know how important it is to build community. Who better to help us do this than our very own parents? As an existing Nova Pioneer parent, you could qualify for double the normal referral discount (R7000 off your tuition for a period of one year) when you refer a parent and they successfully enrol their child at any of our Nova Pioneer campuses for 2022 or 2023 between 8 December 2021 and 30 April 2022.


Which parents are eligible for the R7000 discount?


  • In order to successfully benefit from referring a student, the parent must apply to Nova Pioneer between 8 December 2021 and 30 April 2022 for enrolment in-year in 2022 or for 2023.
  • The parent must state that they were referred to by you (name and surname) when they fill in the online application form in the ‘how did you hear about us’ section.  
  • The referred parent needs to successfully enrol at Nova Pioneer by completing the full admissions process (detailed below).
  • Referred students cannot have a sibling currently or previously enrolled at Nova Pioneer. 
  • The referral discount is awarded to the youngest child – if you have only one child at Nova Pioneer, that child will receive the discount. 
  • You will be entitled to a R7000 discount per enrolled student that is referred up to five students (or a maximum tuition discount of R35000)
  • If you are not yet an enrolled parent, you ONLY qualify for this discount once you have confirmation of enrolment.
  • The discount is non-transferable and cannot be substituted for cash or a refund.
  • The referral discount will not be applied should the student account be in arrears at the point in time that the discount is allocated.
  • Nova Pioneer staff do not qualify.

What does “Successful Enrolment” look like: 


Step 1: Current family/ parent talks to a friend and tells them about Nova Pioneer.

Step 2: The prospective parent completes an online application form and in the ‘how did you hear about us’ section, they select ‘referred by a current parent’ and write the full name of the parent and student who referred them. We can only identify the family that referred you if they give us your first and last name.

Step 3: The prospective parent attends a Nova Pioneer event and the learner completes and passes, an assessment. 

Step 4: The prospective parent, who is very excited about Nova Pioneer, then completes all online forms and submits required documentation before our Finance Team completes the affordability check and gives go-ahead for enrolment fee payment.

Step 5: The prospective parent then pays the grade-relevant enrolment fee to secure their child’s spot. 

Step 6: The referral is then flagged to our Finance Team, who will pick up the name from the original application, and ensure your account reflects the referral discount once the student has started.


5 Things to Consider When Looking for a High School

High school is the final phase of basic education, and the seeds planted in high school will be the fruits that will grow in tertiary. Looking for a high school for your child is no small feat. Parents want to know that their children are well prepared in high school

High school is the final phase of basic education, and the seeds planted in high school will be the fruits that will grow in tertiary. Looking for a high school for your child is no small feat. Parents want to know that their children are well prepared in high school to face tertiary education.


  1. Find out what happens to students after they matriculate


A school’s post-high school success rate is one of the first things parents ought to consider when looking for a high school for their child. At Nova Pioneer, we place great value on students’ post-high school success. We strongly believe many elements can impact a student’s ability to succeed after completing high school. Thus, we want to ensure that students perform well academically at our institutions and ensure that they feel supported and prepared to succeed beyond Nova Pioneer. 


  1. Additional support programmes


The kind of support a high school provides their students, specifically with regards to tertiary support programmes, exposure and resources – is as important as the school’s success rate. Our Post-School Success (PSS) programme at Nova Pioneer is designed to leverage different stakeholders in the student’s ecosystem, to facilitate the student’s exploration and understanding of themselves. The programme is a unique offering available to our senior high school students and it provides our students with personalised guidance on exploring post-school options.


  1. Educational philosophy 


Parents should understand the unique educational philosophy of the school that they’re considering for their child. Schools operate with different educational values and some might not be aligned with your family values or the values you wish to instil in your child. For example, public schools are typically driven by a directive to teach in order to test. On the other hand, independent schools, like Nova Pioneer, have much more creativity and flexibility to develop our curriculum to allow our students to learn in a more all-inclusive way. We, at Nova Pioneer, are intentionally developing generations of innovators and leaders who will shape the African Century.


  1. Academic programme


Parents should also get a sense of what the academic programme of the school looks like and how it fits into their child’s needs. Your child will be spending their last years of basic education at that school; make sure that the school offers classes that interest and challenge your child. Nova Pioneer offers the Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) curriculum, designed to teach students how to learn and how to go on learning. Our role goes beyond helping students achieve good results, and beyond giving students passports for progression to university or employment. We give our students a curriculum that will bring lifelong success in tomorrow’s world.


  1. Classroom experience


Parents ought to have a guided experience around the high schools that they’re considering for their children. Make sure that you see the on-campus offering, facilities and how the classrooms are structured. In our classroom experience, Nova Pioneer invites parents to become students again by having them experience our unique way of teaching and experiencing what it’s like to be a Novaneer.

What parents need to remember is that there is no right or wrong way of selecting a high school for your child. Parents need to consider what will work best for their children. Place the needs of your child first when choosing a high school for them. And remember, whatever the high school has to offer your child, at the end of their high school career, the school needs to have prepared them for the next level of education post-high school.




5 Ways Nova Pioneer is reducing its carbon footprint

The global call to save our environment is critical! Nova Pioneer has made it a point to do its bit for the environment and to teach our Novaneers that the future of our planet is in their hands. Although nations are facing a pandemic with Covid-19, taking care of our

The global call to save our environment is critical! Nova Pioneer has made it a point to do its bit for the environment and to teach our Novaneers that the future of our planet is in their hands. Although nations are facing a pandemic with Covid-19, taking care of our environment should be no different this year, as we observe World Environment Day on Saturday, 5 June 2021. At Nova Pioneer we teach our students that the onus lies on each and every individual to take active responsibility to restore our ecosystem.

For this reason, we are committed to finding new innovative ways to reduce our carbon footprint at our campuses. Here are five environmentally friendly ways that we have already started to heal our planet below:


1. We say NO to air conditioners

Air-conditioners are classified as one of the major consumers of electricity. The machines subsequently contribute to air pollution and play a role in ozone depletion. Nova Pioneer schools pride themselves with the use of natural ventilation in their classes and offices to regulate room temperature naturally.


2. We choose environmental friendly lights

LED lights save energy, compared to the traditional light bulb, which has the same light output as an energy-saving LED light. We use low-energy LED lights in all our schools. This helps us reduce a significant amount of energy at our campuses. We also make use of natural light to significantly reduce the amount of electricity usage during the day.


3. What we don’t use, we switch off

Switching off electrical appliances when not in use is not only beneficial in preventing the waste of energy, it also significantly reduces the risk of fire hazards. All our schools switch to dark mode every day after school, to ensure safety at our premises. We switch off all lights and all running electrical appliances that are not in use.


4. We practice the 3 R’s: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

Three sure ways to eliminate waste and protect your environment are to simply reduce, reuse, and recycle. When we reduce we can save money. When we reuse we can help sustain the environment for future generations. When we recycle we save energy. We are proud advocates of the 3R’s as all our campuses are provided with recycling bins to help sort out litter.


5. Our surrounding spaces are green

Our schools provide our students, staff, and the neighborhoods that we exist in, with attractive and nurturing green spaces. As a result, this promotes greater physical activity for our students. The green spaces at our campuses are also used for enriching activity, learning, and for teaching various aspects of our curriculum.

We encourage our Novaneer parents to also adopt environmentally friendly ways of living in their homes to help us reinstate the culture of looking after the environment in our children.


Keep Going, Don’t Stop Running

“So that morning in 1962 I told myself: Let everyone else call your idea crazy… just keep going. Don’t stop running. Don’t even think about stopping until you get there, and don’t give much thought to where “there” is. Whatever comes, just don’t stop” – Phil Knight, Shoe Dog. Over

“So that morning in 1962 I told myself: Let everyone else call your idea crazy… just keep going. Don’t
stop running. Don’t even think about stopping until you get there, and don’t give much thought to where
“there” is. Whatever comes, just don’t stop” – Phil Knight, Shoe Dog.

Over the years, it has become a sentimental Nova Pioneer metaphor to liken the organic growth of the
schools to that of a baby. By gradually opening new campuses, introducing new grade levels and
continuously expanding our horizons, Nova Pioneer has slowly learnt how to crawl, walk and fend for
itself in a fast-changing world. But given the supreme operational and academic performance of the
school in the past year, I would suggest we have gone a step further – Nova Pioneer has been running all
along. In our relentless pursuit of High Expectations, we have definitely done ourselves proud in the most
challenging of times.

On exciting developments, I wish to extend my congratulations to Nova Pioneer Ormonde in electing its first female Student Committee Chair, Zewande Phiri. Having had the honour of being Chair myself in 2019, I firmly believe Zewande’ leadership prowess, social intelligence and stellar academic record make her the immaculate, well-rounded individual needed to lead the school’s student body. I wish her, along with Emmanuel Manzini, Zanele Mlambo, Zainub Butt, Chinedu Edward, Atiyyah Ally and Declan Watson, all the luck, energy and will-power in guiding the student body in this difficult moment in time. The Class of 2021 has always left an uplifting impression on me in demonstrating an unrelenting willingness and enthusiasm for leadership – now embrace your roles as model custodians and servant leaders with the same vigour you have shown over the past 5 years. You are nearing the finish line – keep going, don’t stop running.

In the most challenging of periods in history, Nova Pioneer has successfully adapted to the changes forced by the pandemic. The psychological strength shown by all stakeholders during this difficult period in human history has inspired me beyond comprehension. In the most arduous periods of our short history as a group of schools, we have not lost our values or ethics. In the face of calamity, we have not stopped running. Moreover, the anticipated opening of a secondary school in the Midrand reinforces this truth. In spite of the cataclysmic happenings around us, we have not lost sight of our mission to have 100 schools across Africa within 10 years. I celebrate the global leadership team, school managements teams, ground staff, admin staff, all educators, students and parents for their ‘Solutions First’ approach and unabating efforts to steer the organisation through the darkest of times.

It is no surprise that our alumni, or living founders, are placed in the best universities, colleges and leadership academies on the continent and abroad as well. This speaks to an inherent resilience and intelligence, as well as the infinite post-school possibilities Nova Pioneer offers its students. In this regard, it is imperative that a formally constructed and recognised alumni network across Africa is acknowledged as a necessity. Establishing an official platform for former students to interact, network and collectively find solutions to Africa’s challenges will be a seismic step towards the African utopia we all strive to witness in our lifetime. It is without doubt that creating and revitalising the synergy between Nova Pioneer alumni such as Jeanne Sere, Wairimu Wahome, Ntando Makwela, Phillip Mburu and Taskeen Hoosen, just to name a few, would be a significant stride not only for Nova Pioneer, but the African continent at large. Ensuring access for alumni to a pan-African network of alumni and resources to keep them running beyond the finish line per se of a Cambridge A Level certificate, is a path we ought to explore. This is because, as a pan-African network of schools, we ultimately have a decisive responsibility to develop lasting mechanisms to ensure that our alumni collaborate in creating ground-breaking African solutions for African problems.

Lastly, I wish to extend to you a recommendation to a new platform – The JM Podcast – where we have conversations that will narrate and shape the trajectory of Africa’s future. In the spirit of Greater Together, the podcast will be run by myself and Kagiso Ramaboea, a fellow living founder of Nova Pioneer Ormonde. Furthermore, I am pleased to announce that External Relations Associate Manager at Nova Pioneer Kenya, Robert Omondi, who has recently been offered a scholarship at Duke University, will feature in season one of the podcast alongside Vahin Naka, a student at our Ormonde campus. This podcast is an expression of our vision of a unified, connected and self-reliant Africa. Be sure to integrate an hour of the profound insights and ideas from The JM Podcast into your weekly routine.

My final words to you are – ‘keep going’. Never let up. Whether this be in our personal lives which are fraught with eternal struggle, or your academic or professional career which pushes you to your limits – any aspect of your life which requires your strength and endurance. Never let up. Class of 2021, don’t stop running; put in the extra hours that will guarantee you success. Keep going; you will do it. Nova Pioneer, let’s keep running for the betterment of our continent, of its future and of its people. Let us never lose sight of our crucial role in the unending pursuit of the pioneer dream.


What to consider when looking for your child’s school 

Looking for a school for your child is never easy and can easily be one of the most stressful things that a parent can go through. There is always so much to consider in the process. In his novel, The Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell points out that parents should focus on

Looking for a school for your child is never easy and can easily be one of the most stressful things that a parent can go through. There is always so much to consider in the process. In his novel, The Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell points out that parents should focus on what type of opportunities they afforded their children as a predictor of future success. The right school that is aligned with your child’s needs is a step in the right direction towards giving them opportunities that will allow them to thrive. Start your search for the best school by thinking about what you want a school to do for your child. 


“We do owe something to parentage and patronage. The people who stand before kings may look like they did it all by themselves. But in fact, they are invariably the beneficiaries of hidden advantages and extraordinary opportunities and cultural legacies that allow them to learn and work hard and make sense of the world in ways others cannot.” (Gladwell 19).


When looking for the best learning environment for your child, you might want to ask yourself the following questions as key guidelines:


  • What do I want my child to learn? This will include the specific subject matter, curriculum, level of academic difficulty, teaching and assessment methods, etc.
  • How does my child learn best? Will the school cater to my child’s particular learning style? Will it cater to their challenges? Will my child be stretched to reach their full academic potential? Does the school incorporate technology and will it equip my child with the skills to survive and thrive in a constantly changing environment?
  • Will the school consider my child’s social needs? How much contact will they have with peers, what does the school bullying policy say? Does the school pay close attention to the social and emotional wellbeing of students? What is the class size and will it allow my child to get more one-on-one attention from the teacher?
  • Will the school be practical for my child and our family? This includes things like the school hours, affordability,  distance and location, scheduling, extracurricular activities, etc
  • How will the school set up my child for University and beyond and equip them with the skills to cope in the real world?
  • Am I, as a parent, prepared to play my role in ensuring that I support the school’s efforts to equip my child in their development? Am I prepared to communicate proactively and positively with the teacher and, where necessary, the school leadership team to resolve challenges? Do I have a realistic view of the needs of my child and am I open to discussing these with the benefit of my child in mind? 


While a lot might depend on the parent and their values, it is important to look at your child’s personality and strengths. Parents might want a school that offers a balance between sports and academics while others might want a school that has a strong focus on either sports or academics. Different children will thrive better in environments that are suited to their personality and individual needs. A lot goes into establishing a school’s approach and model and selecting its curriculum and so, while a good school will communicate with you openly about your needs, it will be more difficult to shift aspects of their model than it is to find the right fit, to begin with. That is why it is important to look for something that complements and supplements who your child is. If you know that your child is a soft-spoken and reserved person, it does not mean that you must put them in a situation where they will never be put on the spot, but rather, you should put them in a situation where they can learn to be OK with being put on the spot. 


The school’s behaviour policy is also something parents consider highly. Some parents might value the whole structured discipline approach while others want a school that encourages and values the student voice interactive structure and follows the preventive, supportive and corrective approaches. Children today will thrive in an environment that gives them a student’s voice but teaches them how to effectively apply it. They need to be able to say, “This is the outcome I want, these are the tools at my disposal, how can I get to my desired outcome?” A child that does not see that there is an option, a child who is told that they cannot make a mistake and that it is not acceptable to make mistakes, a child who struggles to negotiate their circumstances will battle to cope in this generation. This is also why some parents are against schools that encourage rote learning but instead choose schools that allow their children to question things, children who take interest in the process instead of just the end product. These schools that teach students critical thinking and allow students to identify problems and come up with solutions will excel in the future. 


In a nutshell, there is no ‘perfect’ or ‘right’ way of choosing your child’s school. Always think about what will work best for your child’s personality, strengths, needs and interests. Also, consider how different schools’ cultures and values fit with your family values and family life. Making the right choice now will allow you to focus on supporting your child and their school in doing the best they can to equip them for their future.



How Nova Pioneer integrates Robotics in the classroom

Considering the rapid rise and developments in technology and the introduction of the 4th industrial revolution, it is safe to say, the world will surely be a different place in the future. We will see a lot more automation of some systems, advancements in machine learning and integration of robotics

Considering the rapid rise and developments in technology and the introduction of the 4th industrial revolution, it is safe to say, the world will surely be a different place in the future. We will see a lot more automation of some systems, advancements in machine learning and integration of robotics in our daily lives. Which opens the question, what are we doing today as an educational institution to prepare our kids for that future? 


Robotics is the intersection of science, engineering and technology that produces machines (7STEM), called robots, that are either a substitute (or replication) for human actions. This could be anything from industrial robots, domestic or household machines or even robots/machines designed for social interactions such as automated food ordering machines, etc.


At Nova Pioneer we pride ourselves to be one of the few 21st-century schools that are incorporating Robotics in our day-to-day learning experience. As part of developing students who are future leaders and innovators, it is important that we move with the times and be future-focused by developing a learning experience that will allow our students to be solutions-driven.


Coding and robotics go hand-in-hand, and they’re becoming a more integral part of classrooms across the country  Aside from the excitement students muster when they see a robotics kit or a tiny programmable vehicle, coding and robotics offer a little bit more than a fun classroom experience.


When our students participate in coding and robotics activities, they’re learning fundamental skills such as teamwork and collaboration, problem-solving, the ability to fail forward, persistence and more. The world has evolved and if you don’t move with the times you may end up being redundant, irrelevant and insignificant in society.


New Grades for Nova Pioneer Campuses

Nova Pioneer continues to live up to its promise by introducing additional grades throughout our campuses. As a group, we made a promise to our parents and students that each year, we will grow our schools with an additional grade, to grow with our Novaneers as they progress to their

Nova Pioneer continues to live up to its promise by introducing additional grades throughout our campuses. As a group, we made a promise to our parents and students that each year, we will grow our schools with an additional grade, to grow with our Novaneers as they progress to their next academic level. This year, we have continued to deliver on that promise. Nova Pioneer Education Group is a Pan-African independent school network, that builds and operates world-class, affordable education, offering students grades from preschool through to secondary. 


Here is a list of new grade offerings at our campuses:


Midrand – Currently accepting enrollments from Grade 000 to Grade 7 for in-year and now introducing our first Secondary Grade 8 class for the year 2022. 

North Riding – Currently accepting enrollments for Grade 000 to Grade 6 for in-year and we have now introduced Grade 7 enrollments for the year 2022. 

Paulshof – Currently accepting enrollments for Tots to Grade 6 for in-year and we have now introduced Grade 7 enrollments for the year 2022. 


Ruimsig – Currently accepting enrollments for Grade 000 to Grade 3 for in-year and we have now introduced Grade 4 for the year 2022. 

Boksburg – Currently accepting enrollments for Babies (3 months) to Grade 5 for in-year and we have now introduced Grade 6 for the year 2022.  


As an education brand, we take pride in being a leader in innovation that disrupts the education landscape positively. We offer the internationally recognized Cambridge curriculum from pre-primary to secondary school through our Reggio Emilia Enquiry based Learning Model. Our offering includes a blended learning method that combines academic education, physical education, play learning, SEL (Social and Emotional Learning), coding and robotics to provide our students with a holistic education to prepare them for the future. Nova Pioneer is currently operational in both South Africa and Kenya.