Over the years, we have seen discipline evolve as the needs and development of children have changed generationally. At Nova Pioneer, we believe there is a connection between discipline and character. However, as a parent you may be asking yourself how you can enforce discipline in a way that shows care but still builds character.
Nova Pioneer Paulshof School Leader, Claudia Pienaar, recently presented a three-part video guide on the fundamentals of discipline and gave parents as she believes parents can begin their journey by redefining discipline in the home.
In her video series, Ms Pienaar explains that when parents discipline from a place of love, and can also help children understand that for every action there is a reaction, then children can be properly equipped to navigate the world around them.
Redefining Discipline in the Home
Ms Pienaar takes on a different approach to discipline by describing it as a bi-product of love and an act of service from parent to child. Have a look at how she explains discipline based on what motivates both the parent and the child:
Choices and Consequences
‘With freedom comes great responsibility’ is a saying that Ms Pienaar applies to the themes of discipline in her three-part parent video guide. She advocates that parents need to make it clear to their children that there is freedom to choose however, there is no freedom from the consequences.
Here’s how to introduce consequences to your children as a natural part of learning and growing:
Discipline from a place of love
As much as Pienaar provides tips on how parents can discipline their children, she also offers parents tips on how to discipline themselves, as discipline requires parents to keep calm and offer guidance from a place of love and understanding.
Watch how to teach your child to put words to their feelings:
Parents have the opportunity to coach and teach while instilling positive character traits in their children. When delivered well, discipline can show children better ways to respond to situations.