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Embracing Virtual Reality during and post COVID-19

The advent of Covid-19 in 2020 and the introduction of lockdowns has certainly changed the way we think and do things. From social gatherings, meetings and the way we deliver on education, we were forced to rethink life as we knew it. Now in the world of social distancing, working from home, face masks and regular sanitisation, we have to embrace a new reality which is ‘virtual reality’. Virtual meetings, virtual open days, webinars, virtual teaching and learning has become our ‘new normal’.

But how do we adapt? From social beings to this new virtual reality? Firstly, we have to look at the benefits of virtual reality. Secondly, we need to look at how virtual reality will impact our lives in a positive way. Introducing us to a new generation of thinkers, innovators and solutions-first leaders. All of whom will advance our lives beyond any challenging circumstance in education and beyond. As Nova Pioneer, we have had to embrace four key virtual reality aspects that form part of our ‘new normal’ as an educational institution.


Virtual teaching and learning:


While we were traditionally accustomed to face-to-face interaction in a classroom, Covid-19 has revealed to us our ability to teach and learn virtually through various tools that we have adopted. Delivering on our education promise of remote learning. ‘Google Classrooms’ have become our new way of teaching and learning.

It should be easy for us to embrace virtual teaching and learning when you consider all the benefits it presents.  This includes our students being able to receive a quality education, safely, in the comfort of their homes. For our Novaneer parents, the benefits include ensured safety of your child and their well-being, while learning from home, not to forget the savings on fuel and time spent in Johannesburg’s often terrible traffic.  

The introduction of virtual learning has encouraged our students to become independent thinkers, leading themselves to achieve their objectives with guidance from their teachers and support from their online classmates. If anything, virtual learning has allowed us to rethink what education may look like in a post-COVID-19 future, and from this lense, the future looks bright and full of wonder. 


Virtual Meetings:


Attending parent meetings are always a struggle, common scenarios include parents needing to take time off work, meetings running over the available time of the parent, last-minute cancellations, etc.  In comes the introduction of virtual meetings – your time, your space and no traffic. Most importantly, parents have that ample opportunity for a close connect with the teacher, with little to no time limitations, ensuring the parent is completely tuned in to the students’ growth throughout the year.




Nova Pioneer is not just a school, but a learning institution that is rich with information and knowledge which we aim to constantly share with our Novaneer parents and community through our webinars. Our goal is to share enriching and helpful information on the education sector giving our parents insight into what we do here at Nova Pioneer, how we live through our culture principals while striving steadily towards our vision. The best part is that we are embracing the joy of learning, all from the comfort of your office or home. You can listen to some of our recent Nova Pioneer Connect webinars here.


Virtual Open Days


Inge, one of our Admissions Specialists, shares with us how the Admissions landscape has had to adapt during this time: 

“School Open Days are essential as they provide our potential Nova Pioneer parents with the opportunity to meet with the school leaders. Learning more about our curriculum and understanding our learning approach. It is also a platform for you to ask as many questions about our school. 

Nova Pioneer has adjusted our application process and created The Virtual Admissions Experience to answer all your enrolment needs from the safety and comfort of your home. 

Whether you have put in an application or not, you are welcome to attend the Nova Pioneer Virtual Open Day. Each Nova Pioneer campus in our network hosts their own open day via Google-meet.

It is undeniable that virtual reality has become a large part of our lives during the pandemic and it’s certainly here to stay. We can also appreciate that it has presented us with an opportunity to deliver a unique learning solution to the pandemic ensuring our learners don’t miss a beat, helping them thrive in this new world and assisting them in reaching their learning outcomes for the year. We have become a people without limits, solutions-first leaders and innovators, who deliver on high expectations.




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