Five Tips for Successful Virtual Meetings
We are all dealing with new ways of working these days and as we embark on engaging more frequently in the digital arena, virtual meetings have now become a norm — even for sectors and teams where that is not ordinarily the case. As such, we want to ensure that

Joy of Learning Spirit continues, even at home
It has been almost two weeks since we (Nova Pioneer teachers) parted ways with students. I am glad to report that school closures didn’t dampen our commitment to teaching and neither did they put a halt in our students’ learning. Joy of Learning remains a priority. The work behind

It’s 2pm and I’m still in my pyjamas — How (and How Not) to Work Remotely
In normal times, the option of working remotely may seem like a luxury. COVID-19 has unfortunately necessitated remote work for people across the world — including just about all of us here at Nova Pioneer — taking us out of our usual work environment. Because the workplace, for many, provides

Classroom Spotlight: Ms Neveling’s Play on Leaves
At Nova Pioneer, we are intentional about the spaces that we create for learning. Children learn to love learning, and come to school to experience the joy and wonder of learning in a safe and loving environment. Our students, parents and teachers experience Nova Pioneer Paulshof as a place of

The road to becoming a Culture Captain
My name is Inge Wulff and I work in the Brand and Admissions team at Nova Pioneer. I was also recently chosen to be a Culture Captain for the organisation. This isn’t the role that I first applied for when I joined the Nova Pioneer team but it is the

Ormonde Secondary Students lead in Entrepreneurship Challenge
Nova Pioneer Secondary students competed in the 2019 AGEC19 challenge. Our students got the opportunity to immerse themselves in the gamified learning platform that was open to all high school students from Grade 8 to Grade 12. Tough Competition Our students competed against 300 other schools from around South