Start With Us Mid-year and Save on 2022 Tuition

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Start With Us Mid-year and Save on 2022 Tuition

Are you considering moving your child to Nova Pioneer in 2022? Why wait for the new year? We would like to encourage you make the move now. Parents who start with Nova Pioneer before 31 October 2021, will enjoy a tuition free month in January 2022.   You may have


5 Ways to Prepare Your Child for School

Parents need to consider things that they can do at home to start preparing their child for school. It is also important to note that there is no absolute factor that can regulate whether a child is ready for school or not. However, school readiness hangs on various components as


5 Indicators that Your Child is Ready for School

The first five years of your child’s life is critical, as this is the period in which early childhood development takes off. Parents can find it difficult to decide on when the best time is to send their child to school. No one wants to send their child to school


Embracing Virtual Reality during and post COVID-19

The advent of Covid-19 in 2020 and the introduction of lockdowns has certainly changed the way we think and do things. From social gatherings, meetings and the way we deliver on education, we were forced to rethink life as we knew it. Now in the world of social distancing, working


How Does the Nova Pioneer Referral Discount for 2021 Work?

Did you know that as a Nova Pioneer parent, you also benefit from helping us growing the Nova Pioneer community?


We are Africa’s Leading Network of Accessible 21st Century Schools

We started Nova Pioneer to provide schools that were different: schools to develop young people with the wherewithal to shape their world.  That’s why we call ourselves Schools for Innovators and Leaders.    The Vision of a Novaneer That intention is all centered on our vision of a Novaneer as


The Nova Pioneer Virtual Admissions Experience

As a growing network of schools, we needed to find innovative ways of engaging with families during a time of social and physical distance. As a result Nova Pioneer has adjusted their application process and created The Virtual Admissions Experience to answer all your enrolment needs from the safety and


5 reasons why you should attend a Nova Pioneer Virtual Open Day

Nova Pioneer is hosting virtual open days to support families during lockdown, so that they can make the best decision about their child's future.


Nova Pioneer Paulshof is Growing Its Class Offering for 2021

Nova Pioneer Paulshof is adding a tots class for 2021, With the addition of this new grade, Nova Pioneer Paulshof will provide a full pre-primary and primary offering accepting children from age 3 through to Grade 6.


Tackling Admissions during the National Lockdown

The Nova Pioneer Admissions team has developed a creative way to make it easier for you to progress with your Nova Pioneer applications during this period of self isolation

Get in touch

Want to know more about our school, fees and extracurricular? Send us your contact details and someone from our brand and admissions office will get in touch.