Our School and Instructional leaders shape a strong school culture and champion a rigorous and high expectations instructional environment.
We provide professional development and support across various levels and areas of school leadership
School Leader
School Leaders are the headmasters of Nova Pioneer schools. One of their core responsibilities is establishing and nurturing an extremely strong and vibrant school culture consistent with Nova Pioneer’s core culture principles. They are also responsible for teacher development and helping to build a pipeline of homegrown local teacher talent that produces master teachers and great instructional leaders over time. In addition to being an instructional and culture leader, School Leaders also lead community engagement and parent partnership. They foster the Nova Pioneer reputation in the community and engage with parents and create the best possible learning environment for every student.
Dean of Instruction
Our Deans of Instruction are similar to Assistant Principals in other schools and they are dedicated to teacher growth and instructional excellence. Deans also support the School Leader in nurturing an extremely strong and vibrant school culture consistent with Nova Pioneer’s core culture principles. However, their primary focus is teacher development. Drawing on support from instructional leaders on Nova Pioneer’s network team, Deans create a professional development “machine” inside the school: deliberate practice routines and management habits that stretch teachers professionally and give them higher quality, more intensive coaching than they can get anywhere else.
Dean of Students
Deans of Students are champions for the health, wellness and achievement of our students. They ensure that we are fostering a caring culture in our schools and providing students with the emotional, academic and physical support they need to be successful. They build relationships with teammates and parents to facilitate academic and discipline strategies and work closely with data systems to ensure and develop pastoral excellence.
Master Teacher
Master Teachers at Nova Pioneer are educators who just love being in the classroom. They have honed their teaching practice such that they are able to model what great teaching and learning looks like for other teachers. They coach and mentor other teachers and are custodians of innovative practice.