Claudia Pienaar
Why do you work at Nova Pioneer? What keeps you here?
I work here because the values, goals, and vision of the network align with my own. I have learned through my career that organisational culture is key to being fulfilled in what you do. To do the thing that sets your soul on fire you need to be in the right place. You can be in education anywhere in the world, but to truly make a difference, implement change and be the change you want to see in education, you need to be with like-minded people. This is what Nova Pioneer is to me. I have found my tribe. The people whose hearts and minds burn with the same fire – this is what is is really about!
What inspires you most about your work at Nova Pioneer?
What inspires me is the completely different mindset of Nova Pioneer. Tradition and routine is often the trap of education and the death of innovation. Our routines and traditions at Nova Pioneer embrace and embody innovation. The culture principles are lived at every level of the organisation, making people authentic and real.
Can you share a story of one of your most memorable moments at Nova Pioneer?
Our end of year function – I have never seen such uninhibited joy and connection between so many people. Watching the dance off was a real treat and seeing people from CFO/CEO to Apprentices all dancing together said so much to me about the organisational culture. Plus, I laughed till my sides ached!
What are you passionate about? What makes you tick?
I am passionate about children having the best school experience and staff having a fulfilling career. I want everyone on my campus to know they are loved, valued, and capable of ANYTHING!
Do you have any advice for people considering joining the Nova Pioneer team?
Doing important work may be hard but it is worth it. What is the point of living from day to day when you can make every day come alive. This is why joining NP has been the best move I could have made. Once you see what we do and who we are you can’t go back, it can’t be unseen. How do you see the future and turn your back on it? Simple – you can’t!